FROM Virginia Farm Bureau 04/18/24 / Agriculture / Breaking News / Environment / Federal Government / Good Eating / Nature and the Outdoors /
Revised USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is important to farmers and gardeners because the map recommends when and what to plant based on weather conditions/hardiness zones. Virginia a half-zone warmer.
FROM Va. Cooperative Extension 04/09/24 / Agriculture / Education / Environment / Nature and the Outdoors /
If you're interested in knowing how to start native plants from seed, join Virginia Cooperative Extension on Wednesday, April 17, at 11 a.m. VCE will host long time Master Gardener Pat Lust for a ZOOM talk on the steps necessary for growing your native plant garden from seed.
FROM Va. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services 04/01/24 / Agriculture / Breaking News / Health & Safety / People & Places / State Government / Nature and the Outdoors /
April is Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month and there is a lot of concern about non-native plant pests and plant diseases. Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) encourages everyone to help reduce the threat that invasive plant pests and diseases pose to Virginia’s agricultural and natural resources.
03/29/24 / Agriculture / Education / Local Government / People & Places / Woodbridge / Nature and the Outdoors /
Join PW Master Gardeners on Satueday, March 30 for a program on starting and sharing plants.
FROM Virginia Farm Bureau Federation 03/27/24 / Agriculture / Breaking News / Environment / State Government /
Ruff held seats on key committees in the Virginia General Assembly that influenced policy impacting farmers, including the Agriculture, Appropriations, and General Laws & Technology committees. He also chaired the Virginia Tobacco Region and Revitalization Commission and the Center for Rural Virginia board of trustees.
FROM Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation 11/16/23 / Agriculture / Breaking News / Education / Health & Safety / State Government /
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Nutrient Management Program will offer a two-part agriculture nutrient management training school in January--for anyone interested in learning about the development of agricultural nutrient management plans or how to become a certified plan writer.
FROM Virginia Farm Bureau Federation 11/16/23 / Agriculture / Business / Good Eating / Health & Safety / Money & Taxes /
As the cost of consumer goods continues to trend upward, so has the price of a Thanksgiving meal.
FROM Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 09/20/23 / Agriculture / Breaking News / Federal Government / Health & Safety / People & Places / State Government /
Agriculture and forestry are Virginia’s most hazardous occupations, according to Virginia's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS). Farmers and forestry workers are at high risk for fatal and nonfatal injuries, noise-induced hearing loss, skin diseases, and high levels of stress associated with these occupations.