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Virginia farmer and his son at top of national list for corn production

Charles City County farmer David Hula of Renwood Farms Inc. has topped nationwide yields for the 13th time, producing a 490.63 bushels-per-acre yield in the 2024 National Corn Growers Association Corn Yield Contest, according to the Virginia Farm Bureau. Sharing accolades in the irrigated strip-till category is Hula's son, Craig, who placed second with 461.30 bushels per acre.

How not to get burned when purchasing firewood

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) offers this advice on how to keep from getting burned when you buy firewood. Grab a tape measure, a yardstick or a ruler.

Osbourn Park students inspired by tour of White House gardens

White House history came alive for students in teacher Lydia Stewart’s class at Osbourn Park High School in early October. Her students, their parents, and other teachers toured White House grounds and gardens, including the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, Rose Garden, and Kitchen Garden; the Bee Hive; and the South Lawn of the White House.

Veterans now eligible for new USDA commodity trader apprenticeship program

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has begun a new jobs program that will use the national apprenticeship system to hire new employees as agricultural commodity graders. USDA hopes many veterans will apply. Curriculum has been approved by DOL and VA, and enrolled veterans qualify for VA benefits.

Workshop on keeping a forest in the family

Keeping a forest in the family will be the topic of a two-day short course that will be held October 5 and October 12 at The Inn at Willow Grove in Orange, Va. Attendees will learn what they need to do to successfully pass their land on to the next generation of their family members without breaking up the land or losing it due to tax burdens.

Virginia apples should be plentiful and extra sweet

Although winter heat, spring freezes and too much late spring/early summer rain combined to make 2016 a challenging year for Virginia’s apple growers, the state is on track to have a good crop. Growers having been picking Gala apples since August and are now picking Red and Golden Delicious apples, with Ginger Gold, Pink Lady, McIntosh, Honey Crisp, Stayman and more to follow.

To effectively protect against mosquitoes, follow pesticide label instructions, advises VDACS

Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), lead state agency for regulating pesticides, encourages consumers to manage their mosquito risk through habitat modification, personal protection practices and careful use of pesticides.

McAuliffe and Va. delegation on trade mission to Columbia Aug. 16-19

Juan Carlos Pinzón, Colombian Ambassador to the United States, invited Governor McAuliffe earlier this year to lead an agricultural trade and marketing mission to Colombia to grow the relationship between Virginia and Colombia and capitalize on the benefits of the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, which came into effect in 2012.

KO Distilling will expand its operations and add six new jobs in the City of Manassas

Governor Terry McAuliffe announced Aug. 16 that KO Distilling will expand its operations in the City of Manassas. The company will create six new jobs in the city and source 100 percent of its corn, wheat, and rye needs from Virginia agricultural producers.

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