12/10/14 / Environment / Federal Government /
Legislation by US Congressman Rob Wittman and Senator Mark Warner to increase coordination and transparency within Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts, and reduce duplication of federal and state efforts now goes to President Obama for his signature.
12/10/14 / Federal Government / Money & Taxes / Transportation /
Internal Revenue Service today, Dec. 10, 2014, issued the 2015 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes.
12/10/14 / Education / Federal Government / State Government /
Prince William County is expected to benefit from a $17.5 million federal Preschool Expansion Grant that will allow Virginia to serve as many as 1,600 additional at-risk four-year-olds in new, high-quality preschool classes.
12/09/14 / Environment / Federal Government /
Manassas National Battlefield Park Fire Management Plan/Environmental Assessment (EA) is now available for public review. The EA evaluates management options for the update of the Fire Management Plan.
11/14/14 / Breaking News / Federal Government / Health & Safety /
To help federal employees and retirees navigate through the many changes in the 2015 Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans, dental and vision insurance programs, and flexible spending accounts, Congressman Gerry Connolly, who represents part of Prince William County, will hold an Open Season Workshop tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 15.
10/29/14 / Federal Government / Local Government / State Government /
The date by which an absentee ballot must be requested for the Nov. 4 election was incorrect in the page 1 story in the Oct. 24 edition of the Manassas Observer. It should be Oct. 28 - NOT Nov. 28. The newspaper regrets the error.
10/20/14 / Education / Federal Government / Manassas /
New boundaries for the 12th high school in Prince William County will "prioritize racial/ethnic diversity," according to a news release from the school division. The U.S. Department of Justice raised concerns about the first plan but says this version will pass muster.
10/07/14 / Federal Government / People & Places /
The Civilian Corps of the U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) at Fort Sam Houson, TX has recognized October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) with dedicated efforts to encourage employment in the federal workforce for individuals with disabilities.