FROM the Office of Del. Hala Ayala 11/21/19 / State Government /
Prince William County Del. Hala Ayala (HD-51) of Lake Ridge announced Nov. 21 that for the second legislative session in a row, she will serve as Chief Co-Patron on the bill to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
FROM Virginia Senate Democratic Committee 11/21/19 / State Government /
State Senators Scott Survovell, Jeremy McPike and George Barker, who represent some areas of Prince William County, have been appointed to leadership posts in the Virginia Senate Democratic Committee.
FROM Va. Dept. of Transportation Reports 11/15/19 / Health & Safety / Money & Taxes / State Government / Transportation /
Virginia Department of Transportation will hold a second public information meeting at Cougar Elementary School in Manassas Park on Wednesday, Nov. 20 on a study of potential safety and operational improvements for two miles of Route 28 (Centreville Road) in Prince William County between Blooms Quarry Lane and the Fairfax County line.
FROM the House Democratic Caucus 11/15/19 / Breaking News / Money & Taxes / State Government /
Del. Luke Torian (D-52) has been appointed chairman of the Virginia House of Delegates Appropriations Committee by Del. Eileen Filler-Corn, Speaker-elect.
FROM Staff Reports 11/12/19 / Health & Safety / People & Places / State Government /
Prince William Health District (PWHD) is reducing the delivery of some of its services and consolidating most of them at the Woodbridge Clinic. These actions are a result of a shortage of nurses and continued inability to fill many nursing staff positions.
FROM Va. House of Delegates Democratic Caucus 11/10/19 / Breaking News / People & Places / Politics / State Government /
In a history-making vote, Democratic Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn became the first woman to be nominated by her caucus to be Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates. She will also be the first Jewish Speaker.
FROM Virginia Thanksgiving Festival 11/06/19 / History / People & Places / State Government / Local History /
For more information about the Virginia Customs, Cultures, and Cuisine Festival and to find an event in your area, go to The C.ustoms, Cultures, and Cuisine Festival is a signature event of Virginia’s 2019 Commemoration, American Evolution.
FROM the Governor's Office 10/31/19 / Agriculture / Breaking News / State Government /
In the first economic development announcement for Virginia’s industrial hemp industry. Gov. Ralph Northam announced Oct. 31 that the first commercial industrial hemp fiber processing facility in Virginia will locate in Wythe County. Vitality Farms, LLC, operating as Appalachian Biomass Processing, will invest $894,000, create 13 new jobs, and plans to purchase more than 6,000 tons of Virginia-grown industrial hemp over the next three years, at a value of more than $1 million.