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Va, State Police answer nearly 500 calls for assistance since midnight Jan. 11

Virginia State Police report State Troopers have responded to more than 400 incidents and 94 crashes

Virginia DOC steps up COVID-19 Testing of Inmates

The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) will send staff today, April 20, to Virginia Dept. of Corrections facilities to assist with increased testing of all offenders and all staff.

Virginia SCC extends ban on utility service disconnects until June 14

The Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) is extending by 30 days a suspension on utility service disconnections it ordered on March 16, 2020. The order prohibited disconnections of electricity, gas, water and sewer utility services during the coronavirus public health emergency.

Updated guidance for farmers’ markets and more at VDACS website

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) has posted new and updated guidance on the new COVID-19 Emergency Information Center website to help protect farmers, agribusinesses, employees and the public.

ABC to close 12 stores including Haymarket in April 13 consolidation move

Offenders and staff from Va. Dept. of Corrections test positive for coronovirus

The Virginia Department of Corrections late March 31 received its first positive COVID-19 test results for incarcerated offenders. Three offenders at the Virginia Correctional Center for Women in Goochland, Virginia tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

US okays Va. request to cancel SOL tests for 2019-20 school year

The U.S. Department of Education has given Virginia permission to cancel federally mandated Standards of Learning tests during the 2019-2020 school year.

Resources for Va. farmers, consumers, grocery retailers and more for COVID-19

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services recently added a COVID-19 section to its website with information and guidance on current issues for farmers, consumers, agribusinesses, convenience stores and more at .

Virginia State Parks open for day-use activities

Virginia State Parks are open for day-use activities; however, overnight accommodations and all indoor facilities will be closed through April 30 in response to COVID-19 pandemic.

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