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Va, State Police answer nearly 500 calls for assistance since midnight Jan. 11

Virginia State Police report State Troopers have responded to more than 400 incidents and 94 crashes

Health officials probe potential measles exposures in Northern Virginia

Out of an abundance of caution, health districts in northern Virginia are informing people who were at various locations listed below Sept. 3-9 during the specified time frames, that they may have been exposed to one of three people diagnosed with measles.

Virginians are urged to prepare for brunt of hurricane season and check for flood insurance coverage

The Atlantic hurricane season continues through Nov. 30. Conditions still exist for an above-average hurricane season, according to the annual mid-season update from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service. There’s still time to obtain flood insurance coverage before the end of the season, says the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) that oversees flood protection in Virginia.

Annual tribute to fallen law enforcement officers on Oct. 6

This annual event – which is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Prince William County Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association – will honor the lives and service of 18 men and women who lived, or served, in Prince William County and died in the line of duty.

Students in grades 3-8 will be given new growth “assessment” tests in reading and math this fall

“I want to emphasize that the new growth assessments are not SOL tests and they will be noticeably shorter than other state assessments given at the end of students' courses,” according to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The focus of growth assessments is on identifying what students have already learned, as well as the skills they may need additional help with during this school year. The purpose of the assessments is to establish a baseline for measuring student growth. The tests will not have a minimum passing score, and VDOE says it will not report aggregate growth results for schools and divisions.

Regional pesticide collection Sept. 10 at James Long Park in Haymarket

Anyone wanting to dispose of unwanted pesticides must complete and submit a brochure ahead of time and bring the unwanted items on the day of the event either to the Fairfax or Prince William locations.

2021 State Fair focuses on agriculture, the state’s largest industry

Virginia’s agricultural heritage is at the heart of the State Fair of Virginia, and agricultural activities continue in 2021 with a long list of farm-related attractions. The fair, canceled in 2020, will be held Sept. 24-Oct 3 at The Meadow Event Park in Caroline County about 1.5 hours on I-95 south from Rte/ 234.

Staffing process to begin for Puller Veterans Care Center

Construction on the Puller Veterans Care Center at Vint Hill, close to Gainesville but located in neighboring Fauquier County, is proceeding on time and on budget, according to Steven J. Combs, Chief Deputy Commissioner for the Virginia Department of Veterans Services, who is overseeing the project, aided by two project managers, one of whom is on site every day.

Virginia War Memorial calls for entries for Veterans Day essay contest from middle & high schoolers.

The essay topic for the 2021 contest is “An American Who Served in The Military following the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 Who Inspires Me.”

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