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Va, State Police answer nearly 500 calls for assistance since midnight Jan. 11

Virginia State Police report State Troopers have responded to more than 400 incidents and 94 crashes

Governor’s Physical Activity Award Program for School Personnel

Gov. Glenn Youngkin, in partnership with the Virginia Department of Education, has announced his 2022-2023 Governor’s Physical Activity Award Program for School Personnel. The program emphasizes the connection between regular physical activity and its benefits to the overall health and wellness of school personnel.

Lawson updates transportation projects in Brentsville District

For those of us living in, or traveling through, the Brentsville District, road construction seems to be everywhere we go. Despite the inconvenience these projects cause, the result is one that will ultimately improve our ability to move from one place to another.

Virginia’s Veterans Day Ceremony to be held Nov. 11 at Virginia War Memorial

The 66th annual Commonwealth’s Veterans Day Ceremony will be held Friday, Nov.11, 2022 at 11 a.m. at the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond. The public is invited and encouraged to attend to honor all who have served in America’s Armed Forces from the Revolutionary War to today.

Please don’t move firewood far from where you bought it - you might also move invasive pests

While seemingly harmless, moving firewood can enable the easy movement of destructive forest and agricultural pests. When firewood is moved from one area to another, the invasive emerald ash borer, spongy moth, Asian longhorned beetle, and spotted lanternfly often “hitchhike” to destroy crops, infect more trees and sometimes even entire forests.

Want to save bees? 2022 Virginia Beehive Distribution opens on Oct. 26

The program provides free equipment for assembling up to three new beehives to Virginia residents. Qualified applicants will be selected at random from all eligible applications submitted during the application period.

Lowe’s to establish coastal holding facility in Suffolk

The company’s first distribution operation located in the Virginia Port Logistics Park will receive imported goods through The Port of Virginia to supply regional distribution facilities.

PW Republicans to host voter drive this Saturday, Oct. 15, for Latinos at Todos Market in Woodbridge

An in-person voter registration drive directed at Latino voters will be held on Saturday, Oct, 15 from noon to 4 p.m. at Todos Neighborhood Market, which is located at 16593 River Ridge Blvd, Woodbridge, VA.

Va. now using new KAPS system to more quickly identify and claim “unclaimed property”

Virginia officials are getting better at quickly identifying unclaimed property (such as stocks and savings accounts) and getting the proceeds to their rightful owners with a new system

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