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Va, State Police answer nearly 500 calls for assistance since midnight Jan. 11

Virginia State Police report State Troopers have responded to more than 400 incidents and 94 crashes

PW Delegate Richard Anderson addresses Boys State participants at Radford

Delegate Rich Anderson (R-51), participating for his fifth consecutive time as an instructor in the Boys State program June 19, spoke on "Virginia Government - Origins to Today." He described the history and legislative process of the Virginia General Assembly including how a bill becomes law.

VDOT to post I-95 travel times in the Fredericksburg area

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will post approximate travel times for Interstate 95 in the Fredericksburg area on overhead message signs starting Friday, June 6, giving motorists a preview of traffic conditions on the road ahead.

Virginia Tech opens research lab in India

A built-to-specs laboratory outfitted with equipment enabling researchers to harvest energy in new ways from waves, sun, and wind, as well as mechanical vibration such as railroad trains produce opened today in India for Virginia Tech, according to a news release from the Virginia governor's office.

Gov. McAuliffe pursues initiatives to ensure women’s access to healthcare resources

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe kicked off National Women’s Health Week May 12-17 with four significant announcements that a news release says demonstrates "his commitment to protecting Virginia women’s rights to make their own healthcare decisions."

Fauquier’s Ritchie Elementary honored by state as high-achieving school

Ritchie is one of 136 schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia to earn the Board of Education Distinguished Achievement Award in the 2014 Virginia Index of Performance (VIP) awards for advanced learning and achievement.

MOAA’s VA Council of Chapters recognizes Del. Ramadan as Legislator of Year

Va. Secretary of Education Anne Holton graduation keynote speaker at NOVA

The Honorable Anne Holton, Secretary of Education for Virginia, will be the keynote speaker at Northern Virginia Community College’s 48th Commencement on Sunday, May 18. The ceremony, which is open to the public, begins at 2 p.m. in George Mason University’s Patriot Center.

Fall registration starts May 6 at NOVA

Students are encouraged to enroll early for Northern Virginia Community College’s fall 2014 semester due to a new policy adopted to improve student success. Starting with the fall 2014 semester, all students must register no later than the day before a session begins.

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