FROM DELEGATE ANDERSON'S E-NEWSLETTER 08/31/14 / Education / People & Places / State Government /
During the 2015 legislative session this January and February, State Delegate Richard Anderson (R-51) will host his third annual “51st House District Future Delegate Program” at the Virginia State Capitol. Details at October meeting.
FROM a VDGIF NEWS RELEASE 08/30/14 / Environment / State Government /
The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) is inviting the public to suggest changes to hunting, trapping and non-game regulations for the 2015-2016 season.
08/26/14 / State Government / Transportation /
he temporary pavement markings that peeled from the roadway and created confusion on the eastbound I-66 bridge over US 29 have been replaced and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is now focusing on what went wrong.
08/26/14 / State Government / Transportation /
By Thursday, August 28, drivers on US 50 will have three lanes eastbound between Poland Road in Loudoun County and VA 28 in Fairfax County.
08/25/14 / Breaking News / State Government /
Two state information technology (IT) initiatives have been selected as finalists in the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) State IT Recognition Awards program. Virginia Department of Transportation’s “Outside VDOT” is a finalist in the “Improving State Operations” category. Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) program “Barring Open Doors to Threats” is a finalist in the “Cybersecurity” category.
08/22/14 / State Government / Charity & Fundraising /
The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs announced Aug. 22 it will hold several public meetings to identify and discuss possible amendments to the charitable gaming statute and the charitable gaming regulations.
08/20/14 / Education / State Government /
Virginia students outperformed their peers nationwide by significant margins on the ACT this year as the number of the commonwealth’s high school seniors taking the college-admissions examination continued to grow, according to a news release from the Virginia Department of Education.
08/06/14 / Breaking News / State Government / Transportation /
Governor Terry McAuliffe and Attorney General Mark R. Herring announced Aug. 6 that the Commonwealth of Virginia has reached an agreement with transportation network companies Uber and Lyft.