09/30/14 / Business / State Government /
In an effort to highlight Virginia’s technological innovation and raise awareness about high performing industries, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe today declared October to be TechTober, a statewide celebration of Virginia’s high-tech sector.
09/23/14 / Education / Federal Government / State Government /
The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) will administer the $22 million grant over the next seven years beginning with nearly 6,000 seventh grade low-income students in 16 school districts this year through GEAR UP programs and (eventually) college scholarships to increase preparation and enrollment for post-secondary education.
By DELEGATE RICHARD ANDERSON, R-51st 09/20/14 / State Government /
Delegate Richard Anderson, who represents part of the Prince William County area, summarizes General Assembly consideration of the state budget, judges' appointments and expansion of Medicaid.
09/08/14 / Police & Fire Beat / State Government / Transportation /
Del. Richard L. Anderson (R-Prince William) and Sen. J. Chapman Petersen (D-Fairfax), co-chairs of the Virginia General Assembly “Benjamin Franklin Privacy Caucus,” have announced Sept. 23 Caucus hearings at the Virginia state capitol for citizens and organizations to express their views on legislation governing the use of License Plate Readers (LPRs) by law enforcement agencies in Virginia.
09/02/14 / Police & Fire Beat / State Government / Transportation /
The Labor Day Holiday saw a slight increase in the number of fatalities compared to the 2013 holiday weekend but fatalities overall are on the decline compared to the same time period in 20133, according to a Virginia State Police news release.
09/01/14 / Health & Safety / State Government /
Governor Terry McAuliffe has recognized September as National Preparedness Month in Virginia, calling on families, business owners and communities to take specific steps to be ready for emergencies. September 30 has been designated America’s PrepareAthon! Day. To sign up for America’s PrepareAthon! go to http://www.ready.gov/prepare and register how you will take action to prepare in September.
FROM a VDACS press release 09/01/14 / Agriculture / Environment / State Government /
When it comes to buying firewood, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) has two pieces of advice. #1: Buy local firewood to keep from spreading invasive pests that may be hiding under the bark. And #2: Grab a tape measure, a yardstick or even a ruler to be sure the delivery you paid for is accurate.
FROM DELEGATE ANDERSON'S E-NEWSLETTER 08/31/14 / Money & Taxes / State Government /
On September 18 and 19, members of the State Senate and House of Delegates return to Richmond to tackle three issues: Medicaid, judicial appointments, and the two-year state budget that took effect on July 1.