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US Senate expands healthcare for veterans; measure known as Elizabeth Dole legislation

Measure now goes to House of Representatives for consideration.

DOD employees qualify for TSA Pre✓® –without any extra effort, even when traveling for personal time

Taking leave this summer? Even when traveling for personal time, military and DoD civilian members qualify for TSA Pre✓® –without any extra effort, according to a news release from the US Department of Homeland Security.

PWC Schools recognize Memorial Day 2016

Prince William County high schools observed a moment of silence on Friday, May 27 in recognition of those who gave their lives in service.

Rolling Thunder’s “Ride for Freedom” gets a lift from Minnieland Academy

Minnieland Academy will continue its support of Rolling Thunder’s annual “Ride for Freedom” by providing Minnieland buses to transport Gold Star Mothers to 2016 Memorial Day events in Washington DC.

US Sens. Warner and Kaine applaud Senate passage of appropriations bill

U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) are applauding the May 19 Senate passage of bipartisan legislation to fund the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and military construction and facilities, their offices said.

PWC Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day ceremony on May 17

Prince William Board of County Supervisors will hold an Armed Forces & Memorial Day Ceremony at the War Memorial in Freedom Park on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, at 1 p.m. The ceremony will honor the men and women who serve our country and remember all of those who lost their lives defending our freedom. The public is invited to attend.

Congressman Wittman backs full committee passage of FY 2017 Defense Authorization Bill

Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-1), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Readiness, April 28 applauded the House Armed Services Committee’s passage of H.R. 4909, which supports shipbuilding, increases military construction and prohibits another BRAC round without end-strength assessment.

County schools to celebrate Month of the Military Cild

From moms and dads coming in for breakfast or lunch, to photo galleries, school assemblies, and crayon collecting, activities abound in PWCS to recognize military families. April 15 is recognized as Purple Up Day to say thanks. Some schools are recognizing this observance in the following ways:

Purple up to show support for military families on April 15

“Purple Up!” is a way for everyone to show their support for military youth. Why purple? It is the color that symbolizes all branches of the military, combining Army green, Coast Guard blue, Air Force blue, Marine red and Navy blue.

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