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Va, State Police answer nearly 500 calls for assistance since midnight Jan. 11

Virginia State Police report State Troopers have responded to more than 400 incidents and 94 crashes

Changing Virginia’s highway funding formula among Governor’s transportation reforms

Governor Terry McAuliffe announced Jan. 13 legislation to restore integrity to the state’s process to deliver projects under the Public Private Transportation Act (PPTA) and improve reliability for transportation funding distributions, according to a news release from the governor's office.

Day-long storm in forecast: Snow and ice will impact both rush hours tomorrow, Jan. 14, says VDOT

Virginia Department of Transportation is asking drivers to prepare for a day-long storm tomorrow that could make driving hazardous in northern Virginia. Drivers are asked to monitor weather forecasts today, and consider teleworking or delaying travel tomorrow. Drivers are also asked to plan for a longer than normal commute, with snow predicted in the morning and hazardous sleet and freezing rain beginning in the afternoon.

Fewer bus riders in 2014 and local funding shrinks for PRTC

A lower transit benefit and falling gas prices are likely reasons why bus services operated by the Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission (PRTC) transported more than 3.1 million passengers in calendar year 2014, a 3.6% decrease compared with 2013.

Governor unveils first of 105 new signs welcoming visitors to Virginia

Millions of travelers every year will be welcomed at Dulles Airport with new signage reminding them "that wherever their travel through Dulles is taking them, they are always welcome to explore Virginia and its abundant business opportunities and travel destinations," according to Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

More closures of Interstate 66 between midnight and 5 p.m. for road work

All lanes of Interstate 66 in one direction will close intermittently between midnight and 5 a.m. on several dates in January for the installation of gantries. Each closure will last up to 30 minutes.

Three-year vehicle registration renewals available but not in Northern Virginia

Three-year vehicle registration renewals are now being offered at Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) customer service centers and DMV Select offices. However, three-year registration renewals are not available for residents who live in a Northern Virginia locality that requires emissions inspections.

Third lane of US 50 between Fairfax & Loudoun opening Dec. 18

A third lane of westbound Route 50 will be opened Thursday night, Dec. 18 from Stonecroft Boulevard in Fairfax County to Pleasant Valley Road in Loudoun County.

Congress member-elect Barbara Comstock appointed to two key committees

Congress member-elect Barbara Comstock has been named to the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Science, Space, and Technology Committee for the 114th Congress. She will be sworn in on January 6th

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