FROM Prince William County Reports 06/08/15 / Bristow / Nokesville / Transportation /
Watch for signs about road closings and detours as work progresses on Vint Hill Road and VA Rt. 28.
06/02/15 / Federal Government / Transportation /
NOAA Fisheries announces that a voluntary vessel speed restriction zone (Dynamic Management Area - DMA) has been established 35 nautical miles ESE of Nantucket to protect an aggregation of 3 right whales sighted in this area on May 28.
By Christine Rodrigo, PRTC 06/02/15 / People & Places / Transportation /
Teens 13-19 who want to get to a job and other destinations without having to ask parents for a ride can travel safely and independently with a MyLink summer bus pass. As an added bonus, they can get discounts at select area attractions by showing their MyLink Pass.
From Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance 05/27/15 / Haymarket / State Government / Transportation /
Virginia Department of Transportation is conducting four public meetings to seek input on the Tier 2 Environmental Assessment for improvements on Interstate 66 outside the Capital Beltway (I-495) and US Route 15 in Prince William County, as well as revised design concepts reducing project impacts.
05/26/15 / Gainesville / Transportation /
Virginia Department of Transportation advises that overnight Tuesday, May 26, traffic on southbound US 29 between I-66 and Linton Hall Road will be shifted onto the new bridge over the railroad tracks and the ramp from eastbound I-66 to southbound US 29 (at Exit 43A) will be reopened.
From VDOT reports 05/18/15 / Money & Taxes / State Government / Transportation /
If summer travel is in your plans, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is ready to help with mobile tools to keep you informed while you are on the go. You can find real-time information about traffic, incidents and congestion on Virginia roads at 511Virginia.
05/11/15 / Breaking News / State Government / Transportation /
Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) has kicked off a series of widening and improvement projects along VA 28 today, Monday, May 11.
05/01/15 / Breaking News / Nokesville / Transportation /
This morning, May 1, Virginia Department of Transportation crews will close the historic Aden Road bridge over Norfolk Southern Railroad. An inspection has revealed further deterioration of the 132-year-old truss, which was already scheduled for a nine-month closure to begin in July as part of an upcoming rehabilitation project.