FROM Virginia Department of Transportation 07/12/15 / Health & Safety / People & Places / Transportation /
The onset of seasonal summer storms offers a vital reminder of how essential drainage is for Virginia’s roads. Property owners are responsible for keeping stormwater free-flowing through their land, by keeping grass clippings, leaves and other debris from accumulating to help avoid water from ponding on the road, which could cause a major safety hazard and pavement damage.
By E. BRUCE DAVIS, Observer Staff 07/11/15 / Gainesville / State Government / Transportation /
July 9, 2015 will be remembered as a date of great accomplishment in Western Prince William County. On this day representatives of government departments and construction businesses gathered at 7500 Iron Bar Lane in the Virginia Gateway Shopping Center for a ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the Gainesville Interchange.
07/10/15 / Bristow / Nokesville / Transportation /
VA Rte. 28 (Nokesville Road) between Bristow Village Boulevard and Battalion Square will again be closed in both directions Friday and Sunday nights so that crews can continue storm sewer line work, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation.
06/26/15 / Bristow / Nokesville / Transportation /
VA Rte. 28 (Nokesville Road) between Bristow Village Boulevard and Battalion Square will again be closed in both directions Friday and Sunday nights so that crews can continue storm sewer line work, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation.
06/16/15 / State Government / Transportation /
Va. Rt. 28 (Nokesville Road) between Bristow Village Boulevard and Battalion Square will again be closed in both directions Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights so that crews can continue installing a storm sewer line, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation.
06/15/15 / State Government / Transportation /
VDOT will host a “Pardon Our Dust” meeting Wednesday, June 17 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Chorus Room at Brentsville District High School, 12109 Aden Road in Nokesville. The Brentsville Road closure will last for the duration of the $2.8 million project, which is scheduled for completion in December.
06/10/15 / Money & Taxes / Transportation /
Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission (PRTC), the public transportation provider for Prince William County and the Cities of Manassas and Manassas Park, will implement bus service changes and increase fares on July 6, 2015. Service changes are in eastern Prince William.
06/08/15 / Environment / Transportation /
Route 28 (Nokesville Road) between Bristow Village Boulevard and Battalion Square will be closed in both directions Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights so that crews can install a storm sewer line, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation.