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Va, State Police answer nearly 500 calls for assistance since midnight Jan. 11

Virginia State Police report State Troopers have responded to more than 400 incidents and 94 crashes

Weather forecast delays opening of Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) at Interstate 66 and Route 15

Northern Virginia’s first Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) at Interstate 66 and Route 15 in Haymarket will not open this weekend Jan. 7-8 after all

VDOT asks drivers to plan ahead for Thursday and Friday commutes

Drivers in northern Virginia are asked to prepare for rush hour commutes to be impacted by snow Thursday evening, Dec. 5, and Friday morning, Dec. 6, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation. (VDOT) Road crews are conducting anti-icing activities today and tomorrow. Please watch for crews as they stage along roads prior to the storm.

New commuter bus route links Gainesville directly with the Pentagon

A new state-funded commuter bus route linking Gainesville directly with the Pentagon started in December. In addition, Manassas OmniRide commuter bus service was split into two separate routes - one serving Washington, D.C., and the other serving the Pentagon.

US 1 in Woodbridge to be extra noisy Jan 3-6

Pile driving will be taking place along US Route 1 for construction of the new bridge over Marumsco Creek just north of Marys Way, between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. daily Tuesday, Jan. 3 through Friday, Jan. 6, according to the Virginia Department of Transportation.

VDOT crews on standby for potential of freezing rain, sleet and snow across northern Virginia

Virginia Department of Transportation reports that road crews are ready to report tonight, Friday, Dec. 16, for a forecast of low temperatures, freezing rain, sleet and snow across northern Virginia. As many plan to move across the region for shopping and other holiday preparations this weekend, the Virginia Department of Transportation asks drivers to plan accordingly

Attend Dec. 14 meeting at VDOT-Fairfax and have a say in future transpo projects in No. Va.

The public is invited to learn about and provide input on two important initiatives tonight, Dec. 14, at the Virginia Department of Transportation’s District Office in Fairfax. There will be an open house, atown hall meeting on prioritizing transportation projects in the region, and a public hearing to receive formal comment on the Atlantic Gateway projects.

No. Va. Transportation Alliance explains the money behind the “I-66 outside the Beltway” project

Through a competitive bid process, a private-sector team, Express Mobility Partners (Cintra /Meridiam/Ferrovial/Allan Myers), has been selected to implement the planned project, upgrading 25 miles of I-66 between U.S. 15/Haymarket and I-495. The partners will pay the $2.3 billion costs of construction, with an eye to recouping its investment and making a profit in the future.

Virginia road crews prepare for first potential wintry weekend of 2016-17

Virginia Department of Transportation says its crews are taking advantage of conditions today, Dec. 14, and Thursday, Dec. 15, to treat roads with anti-icing materials in northern Virginia, in anticipation of low temperatures through the rest of week and the potential for wintry precipitation over the weekend.

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