FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 08/16/21 / Haymarket / Health & Safety / Manassas / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat / Transportation /
A Dominion Valley traffic light and the Manassas Costco parking lot were the sites of alleged brandishing of a firearm on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 15. Two people have been arrested.
FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 08/11/21 / Health & Safety / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat / Transportation /
On August 7 at 4:09AM, Prince William County Police officers responded to investigate an abduction and carjacking that was reported to have occurred at the Dale Forest Apartments located in the 12300 block of Midsummer Ln in Woodbridge (22192) earlier that morning.
FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 07/20/21 / Haymarket / Health & Safety / Manassas / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat / Transportation /
The investigation revealed that while in a parking lot near Liberia Ave. and Mathis Ave. in Manassas, the victim, a 20-year-old man, was approached by an unknown man, who asked for a ride. The victim agreed and drove to the Haymarket area where the man exited the car and returned a short time later with a firearm. The suspect then demanded the victim’s property before
dragging the victim out of the vehicle.
FROM VDOT 06/22/21 / Breaking News / Health & Safety / Money & Taxes / State Government / Transportation / Woodbridge /
Virginia Department of Transportation reports that work has started to create an auxiliary lane on southbound I-95 from Rt. 123 (Gordon Boulevard) to the Prince William Parkway (Rt. 294). The project will convert about a mile and a half of the existing shoulder to a travel lane,
FROM from the Prince William County Government 06/21/21 / Health & Safety / Local Government / Money & Taxes / State Government / Transportation /
The Prince William County Department of Transportation (PWC-DOT) recently gave the Board of County Supervisors a quarterly update on the status of 18 transportation projects.
06/21/21 / People & Places / Transportation /
OmniRide will host a Virtual Town Hall on Wednesday, June 23 at 7 p.m. Executive Director Dr. Bob Schneider will tell about OmniRide’s future plans and answer questions about the organization’s services.
06/02/21 / Breaking News / Health & Safety / People & Places / Transportation /
OmniRide’s Spring Service Changes will take effect on Monday, June 7, and will include changes to most routes. All schedules have been reprinted with new effective dates. New schedule brochures are available from operators upon request and are posted on the OmniRide website,
FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 06/02/21 / Health & Safety / Money & Taxes / Police & Fire Beat / Transportation / Kids Konnection /
Prince William County Police are running the annual safety "Click It or (get a) Ticket Seatbelt Campaign" through Sunday, June 6. It is the driver’s responsibility to make sure all children, age 15 and under, are secured properly. Virginia law allows police to cite anyone driving a car in which an occupant under age 16 is not wearing a safety belt or is not in a child safety seat. It also provides that drivers may be cited if they are not properly restrained if stopped for other violations.