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Western PWC Del. Lovejoy to file five anti-data center bills

Western Prince William Delegate Ian Lovejoy (R-22) has issued a news release saying he will submit five unique pieces of legislation aimed at mitigating growing data center impacts, particularly in Prince William County.

PWC Landfill and Balls Ford Road Compost Facility to be closed on Sundays starting Nov. 6

Prince William County Department of Public Works reports it will be closing the county’s Solid Waste facilities on Sundays beginning Nov. 6, 2022. Sunday is the only day of the week that commercial refuse haulers, which bring in most of the disposal tonnage, do not collect residential routes and bring the collected waste to the County Landfill and Balls Ford Road Compost Facility. Closing to the public on Sundays also will give facility employees the opportunity to address deferred work and perform required maintenance and regulatory requirements.

PWC Businesses: Have you filed your Annual Recycling Report due by Oct. 15?

Have PWC businesses helped or hurt the recycling game since 2021? Filling out the 2022 recycling report will help the county see how it stacks up.

Friends of the Occoquan Oct. 1 cleanup cancelled-now Oct. 15

FOTO regrets to announce to the 324 volunteers who signed up for the Saturday cleanup event that it has been canceled due to the expected heavy rains, both Friday and Saturday. It would make it too difficult for volunteers to go around by boat and on foot.

Suspect arrested in Washington Monument vandalism

United States Park Police (USPP) are reporting that they arrested a person identified as Shaun Ray Deaton, 44, of Bloomington, Ind., for allegedly vandalizing the outside base of the Washington Monument with paint.

Broadband expands to 650 homes in Stafford

Stafford County Board of Supervisors in partnership with Comcast today, Sept. 19, announced the expansion of Comcast’s network deeper into Stafford County.

Virginia State Parks to mark National Public Lands Day with free parking Sept. 24

Across the commonwealth, Virginia State Parks will join the celebration of National Public Lands Day on Saturday, Sept. 24, with free parking, special programs and volunteer events. Tree projects are nearby, one in Woodbridge.

Bristow residents to protest “runaway data center development” in their community at Sept. 10 rally

Community activists will hold a press conference outside the Amberleigh Station community in Bristow tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 10, at 1 p.m. to protest a developer's plans to build 11 huge data centers within 34 yards of their homes.

September’s National Preparedness Month theme is “A Lasting Legacy”

Disasters not only pose a risk to life safety but can rob you of precious items like family photo albums, important documents, antiques, family heirlooms and keepsakes. Take the time now to protect your family’s legacy by preparing for disasters.

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