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Western PWC Del. Lovejoy to file five anti-data center bills

Western Prince William Delegate Ian Lovejoy (R-22) has issued a news release saying he will submit five unique pieces of legislation aimed at mitigating growing data center impacts, particularly in Prince William County.

ALERT: It’s deer season in Va. and deer are on the move

Fall is the breeding season for deer, so they will be more active over the next couple of months than at any other time of the year.

Recyclers wanted to take the Recycles Day Pledge before Nov. 20

All Prince William area residents are encouraged to take the annual America Recycles Day "I Recycle" pledge before Nov. 20 for an opportunity to win a $300 REI gift card, plus a $500 environmental grant for a local school if the winner is in kindergarten through grade 12.

Virginia’s fall wildfire season underway - Burning debris is major cause of wildfires in Virginia

15. The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) reminds everyone to be extra careful when burning yard debris, or enjoying a campfire or backyard fire pit.

PWC Board to hear only data center issue on Tuesday. Nov. 1

On Tuesday, November 1, 2022, the Prince William Board of County Supervisors' meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. The only expected item on the agenda will be the public hearing on Comprehensive Plan Amendment #CPA2021-00007, PW Digital Gateway Plan, according to "PWC Alerts."

Great ShakeOut Earthquake drill Oct. 20; 40 million+ to practice earthquake safety plans

The annual Great ShakeOut earthquake drill will take place tomorrow, Oct. 20, across the United State. Staff at Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region 3 wants to encourage the Whole Community to participate and learn the simple, but critical, safety steps to preparing for and staying safe during an earthquake. More than 40 million people are registered to practice earthquake safety plans, FEMA said.

Please don’t move firewood far from where you bought it - you might also move invasive pests

While seemingly harmless, moving firewood can enable the easy movement of destructive forest and agricultural pests. When firewood is moved from one area to another, the invasive emerald ash borer, spongy moth, Asian longhorned beetle, and spotted lanternfly often “hitchhike” to destroy crops, infect more trees and sometimes even entire forests.

Grassland Bird Initiative offers $$ incentives for delaying haying and stockpiling summer pasture

Nearby farmers can get paid for protecting grassland birds during their vulnerable nesting season.

PWC recycling service is back on Saturdays in Nokesville and Evergreen

Effective this Saturday, Oct. 15, residents may drop off regular household trash and recycling at the Nokesville School and Evergreen Fire Station Saturday collection sites.

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