02/12/14 / Breaking News / Environment /
Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative urges customers to prepare for possible power outages that snow may cause on Wednesday night, Feb. 12, 2014, and Thursday.
02/05/14 / Environment / Health & Safety /
Do you know the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning? On March 11 at 9:45 a.m. the City of Manassas will participate in the Statewide Tornado Drill –a joint effort of National Weather Service and Virginia Department of Emergency Management.
01/31/14 / Environment / Local Government / Manassas /
City of Manassas Water Department has rescheduled the connection to the new 36” transmission line on Vint Hill Road for Tuesday, Feb. 4, beginning at 6 a.m. and continuing through Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 6 a.m., weather permitting.
01/27/14 / Environment / Transportation /
Two meetings are scheduled for the public to learn more about strategies being considered to transform 25 miles of Interstate 66 between the Beltway and Haymarket. A Jan. 30 meeting is in Fairfax. A Feb. 5 meeting is in Prince William County.
01/24/14 / Education / Environment /
All PWCS report cards will be distributed later than originally planned to adjust for weather-related school closings and delays.
01/12/14 / Environment / Local Government /
Prince William County Public Schools Superintendent Steven L. Walts will present his proposed fiscal year (FY) 2015 budget to the School Board at 7 p.m. Feb. 5 with live coverage on PWCS-TV, Comcast Channel 18, Verizon Channel 36, and via Web cast at http://www.pwcstv.com
01/02/14 / Environment / Federal Government / Transportation /
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) selected Virginia Tech’s proposal to spearhead a regional research effort on the safest and most effective ways to incorporate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the existing airspace.