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Western PWC Del. Lovejoy to file five anti-data center bills

Western Prince William Delegate Ian Lovejoy (R-22) has issued a news release saying he will submit five unique pieces of legislation aimed at mitigating growing data center impacts, particularly in Prince William County.

Incentives offered to ride public transit instead of a private vehicle on Dump the Pump Day June 21

When you "Dump the Pump" and hop aboard OmniRide public transit this Thursday, June 21, you and a friend could win a free SmarTrip card or a Starbucks gift card! On June 21, OmniRide will join public transportation systems across the country in marking the 13th annual national Dump the Pump Day. On that day, people are encouraged to ride public transportation instead of driving a private vehicle.

Prince William Conservation Alliance named ‘One of the Best’ Nonprofits by philanthropy group

The Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington has selected Prince William Conservation Alliance to be part of its 2018-19 class of best local nonprofits in the region. Executive director Kim Hosen says the accolade is due to community support for PWCA programs.

Boaters beware! Many Virginia rivers at dangerously high levels; safety jackets a must, warns VDGIF

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) advises recreational boaters to use extreme caution this upcoming weekend and into next week as unstable weather systems are leading to flash flooding in many areas.

President’s Circle Award to Keep Manassas Beautiful group for clean, green community

The City of Manassas' Keep Manassas Beautiful group has been recognized by Keep America Beautiful with the President’s Circle Award.

Trees take center stage during Arbor Day ceremonies at Alvey and Leesylvania schools

At J.W. Alvey Elementary and Leesylvania Elementary, students gathered under slightly soggy skies to mark Arbor Day, a day dedicated to tree planting. These ceremonies were two of several taking place at schools around the county.

Governor Northam urges Virginians to buy flood insurance by May 1

Governor Ralph Northam is urging Virginians to purchase flood insurance or renew their policies on or before May 1, a month before the official start of hurricane season. Flooding is the most common natural disaster, and many people do not realize that standard homeowners and renters insurance policies do not cover damage from floods.

NOVEC says plant energy saving trees for Earth Day but not near power lines

Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative suggests that homeowners celebrate Earth Day on April 22 and Virginia's Arbor Day on April 27 by planting energy-saving trees–but NOT near power lines and equipment.

New GMU science center in Woodbridge to be involved in research, education and community

Woodbridge Supervisor Frank Principi said the science center would further science, technology, engineering and math programs in Prince William County.

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