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Western PWC Del. Lovejoy to file five anti-data center bills

Western Prince William Delegate Ian Lovejoy (R-22) has issued a news release saying he will submit five unique pieces of legislation aimed at mitigating growing data center impacts, particularly in Prince William County.

Deer “management” to begin Jan. 2 at Manassas National Battlefield Park

Manassas National Battlefield Park will implement a previously approved white-tailed deer population reduction at the park Jan. 2-March 15, 2019. Extensive damage from deer has adversely impacted the park’s historic landscape, has reduced habitat for other creatures and has prevented forest regeneration, according to a news release the National Park Service.

Recycle Christmas trees until Jan. 7 at NOVEC’s technical center in Gainesville

Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) reports that it will be accepting evergreen Christmas trees and greens at its technical center at 5399 Wellington Branch Road, Gainesville, VA 20155, near I-66, from Dec. 26 through Jan. 7.

Three solar projects for state facilities

Charlottesville-based Sun Tribe Solar submitted the winning bid for solar energy installations at the Virginia Department of Forestry headquarters in Charlottesville, the Virginia Public Safety Training Center in Hanover, and Haynesville Correctional Center on Virginia’s Northern Neck.

Where to recycle holiday trees, wreaths and other greenery

Christmas trees, wreaths and other cut greenery with all ornaments, decorations, tinsel, nails and tree stands removed can be recycled or repurposed by taking them to one of four locations.

Trash acceptance taking a holiday in Prince William

Prince William County Landfill and Balls Ford Road Yard Waste Facility will close at 2 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 24 and remain closed on Tuesday, Dec. 25 for the Christmas holiday.

More and better recycling of yard waste and food products in Prince William County’s future

Freestate Farms has a contract with Prince William County to run the Balls Ford Road Composting facility, as well as build an advanced composting facility to greatly improve yard waste processing and boost the capacity to process other food waste.

Residents asked to share ideas on vision for county’s future Nov. 13-14

Prince William County is currently in the process of developing the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. To get residents' ideas, the county's Planning Office will host two community meetings. One meeting was already held Oct. 30.

County to suspend Balls Ford household hazardous waste & electronics recycling Dec. 1

Effective Dec. 1, 2018, Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling collection services at the Balls Ford Road Composting Facility are hereby suspended until further notice due to anticipated construction activities at the site.

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