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Western PWC Del. Lovejoy to file five anti-data center bills

Western Prince William Delegate Ian Lovejoy (R-22) has issued a news release saying he will submit five unique pieces of legislation aimed at mitigating growing data center impacts, particularly in Prince William County.

Supervisor Lawson to hold Feb. 24 Town Hall on Devlin Road development proposal

Jeanine Lawson, Brentsville District Supervisor, has announced that she will host a town hall regarding the Devlin Road development proposal on Monday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. at Chris Yung Elementary School. The application includes 516 homes built on 269 acres, bordered by Linton Hall and Devlin Roads.

NPS sets deer population management efforts Feb. 3-March 31 at Manassas Battlefield

Manassas National Battlefield Park will implement its second year of deer management to protect and restore native plants, promote healthy and diverse forests and protect historic landscapes Feb. 3 through March 31, 2020.

Jan. 14 People’s Caravan for the Environment in Richmond

In 2017 the People's Caravan held many Die-In/Live-Ins for Medicaid Expansion. We're at it again, but this time it is a People's Caravan for the Environment. The Die-In will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 14th at 2:00pm at the Bell Tower in Richmond. The Die-In part of this rally is a plea for people to pay attention to the Climate Change.

Make recycling pledge today: November 15 is America Recycles Day!

Today, Nov. 15, is America Recycles Day. Residents are asked to support recycling in our community and take the America Recycles Day pledge.

Joint Resolution on proposed plan to Suspend Rural Preservation Study Process

At an Oct. 8 press conference, Prince William County Supervisors Jeanine Lawson, Pete Candland and Frank Principi unveiled their plan to suspend the Rural Preservation Study, then introduced the resolution jointly at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors. It is due to be voted on at the next supervisors' meeting.

Three supervisors call press conference on rural land use policies

Supervisors Lawson, Candland and Principi along with multiple PWC civic groups will brief the press and public on a resolution they plan to present regarding the current review of rural land use policies.

Third public meeting tonight Sept. 24 on PWC Rural Preservation Strategies and staff recommendation

Prince William County Planning Office will hold a third community meeting on the implementation of the Rural Preservation Study. The meeting will be from 5:30-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at the Hylton Performing Arts Center, which is located at 10960 George Mason Circle in Manassas. A recap of previous meetings' discussions and presentation of the staff recommendation will be made.

Keep your green - Sept. 30 community conversation on rural area incentives

Prince William Conservation Alliance will host a community discussion of some development alternatives: conservation easements, transfer of development rights and purchase of development rights with three speakers Sept. 30 at Guiseppe's Restaurant, 5120 Washington Street, in Haymarket beginning at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.

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