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Virginia State Police advise motorists how to prepare for upcoming winter storm

Seven tips from Virginia State Police to get ready to safely navigate next snowstorm due Jan. 10-11,

Be bear aware! Bear already seen in eastern Prince William

In late spring and early summer bears are hungry and on the move in search of food. This primal need can cause them to conflict with homeowners and residents using parks and other unimproved areas. There has already been a sighting in eastern Prince William County.

Trees take center stage during Arbor Day ceremonies at Alvey and Leesylvania schools

At J.W. Alvey Elementary and Leesylvania Elementary, students gathered under slightly soggy skies to mark Arbor Day, a day dedicated to tree planting. These ceremonies were two of several taking place at schools around the county.

NOVEC says plant energy saving trees for Earth Day but not near power lines

Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative suggests that homeowners celebrate Earth Day on April 22 and Virginia's Arbor Day on April 27 by planting energy-saving trees–but NOT near power lines and equipment.

Local comments wanted for comprehensive plan review in progress for Prince William Forest Park

National Park Service (NPS) reports that it is developing a Comprehensive Trail Plan for Prince William Forest Park to provide guidance for enhancing the park’s trail system and visitor experience in a manner sympathetic with the natural and cultural surroundings and balances overall resource protection with intended trail uses and long-term management.

Eaglet could be named “Honor,” the name suggested by Antietam Elementary kindergarteners

The kindergarten classes at Antietam Elementary School have been watching two eaglets through the Earth Conservation Corps live eagle cam for several weeks. Their suggested name of "Honor" is one of five picked from 250 entries. Now the public gets to vote on the five names.

Manassas named a Tree City USA for 28th year; Arbor Day Festival on April 20

Manassas City's 2018 Arbor Day Celebration, the 34th annual, will be held at Kinsley Mill Park at 8844 Hastings Drive, on April 20 at 10 a.m.

Keep Manassas Beautiful is launching the first Great American Cleanup Challenge

Manassas is looking for volunteers at five April events to "Keep Manassas Beautiful." Manassas residents and businesses are invited to adopt a cleanup project of their choosing and add to the city's charm, beauty and appeal.

Apply by March 15 for Audubon mini grants for habitat protection and youth education

Audubon Society of Northern Virginia invites community groups, schools, churches and other non-profit organizations to apply for funding under two new mini-grant programs designed to address habitat concerns and youth education.

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