By E. Bruce Davis 10/05/11 / Breaking News /
About 150 students a year enroll in a local institute for classroom study and practical work to learn how to make airplane travel as pleasurable and worry free as possible. They are not aspiring pilots, and they will not be offering drinks, snacks, pillows and blankets in flight. They are, instead, trainees enrolled in the Aviation Institute of Maintenance Manassas (a Washington, D.C. school), which opened in a shared hangar at the Manassas Municipal Airport in 2001 to train mechanics in the aviation field. It later moved to a Godwin Drive location.
By Sudha Kamath 10/04/11 / Breaking News /
State and local officials are trying to get in the driver’s seat when it comes to making their fleets green.
09/27/11 / Breaking News /
Representatives of 335,000 United Methodists of the Virginia Conference will gather in Manassas Oct. 1 to discuss issues of immigration as it relates to their faith. The meeting was called by Bishop Charlene Kammerer.
By Heidi M. Baumstark 09/19/11 / Breaking News / Features / Haymarket /
By Heidi M. Baumstark 09/15/11 / Breaking News / Features / Haymarket / Health & Safety /
Streets will be full on Haymarket Day, Sept. 17. Ideally, this will help fill the shelves at the Haymarket Regional Food Pantry, which will be open and taking nonperishable and monetary donations throughout the day Sept. 17.
By Sudha Kamath 09/13/11 / Breaking News /
George Mason University's Fall for the Book is holding many events in Northern Virginia. Locally, there will be an event at 9300 Stonewall Road in Manassas. On Sept. 22 at the church, Amy Waters Yarsinske of the Norfolk Historical Foundation will discuss her latest book, “Flyboys Over Hampton Roads,” about the training camp of World War I pilots.
By Gretchen L.H. O'Brien 09/10/11 / Breaking News / Health & Safety /
Manassas's Stonewall Stonewall Jackson Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad held a 110-story stair climb to remember the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001. Proceeds
By Richard G. Johnstone Jr. 09/09/11 / Breaking News /
Cooperative Living's Richard Johnstone Jr. reflects on the occurences and his remembrances from Sept. 11, 2001, which occurred a decade ago.