FROM Virginia Dept. of Education. 04/18/24 / Agriculture / Breaking News / Business / Education / Environment / Health & Safety / People & Places / State Government /
“Mrs. Carrier epitomizes the characteristics of the ideal teacher that we all want for our children,” said Bernard Bragen Jr.. Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent “Her passion and enthusiasm for teaching and children is reflective in the performance of her students. We are grateful to have her as a member of our faculty. “
FROM Virginia State Police 04/18/24 / Breaking News / Health & Safety / People & Places / Police & Fire Beat /
Virginia will be among 15 states, from Maine to Florida, participating in “Drive to Save Lives” traffic initiative along Interstate 95, this weekend April 19-21. Virginia State Police will be utilizing additional patrol resources on all 179 miles of Interstate 95, April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
FROM Virginia Farm Bureau 04/18/24 / Agriculture / Breaking News / Good Eating /
Almost 110 billion eggs produced in the U.S. annually. About 743 million are laid by Virginia hens. This ranks the state at No. 24 in national egg production, according to the Virginia Egg Board’s 2022 Annual Report.
FROM Virginia Farm Bureau 04/18/24 / Agriculture / Breaking News / Environment / Federal Government / Good Eating / Nature and the Outdoors /
Revised USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is important to farmers and gardeners because the map recommends when and what to plant based on weather conditions/hardiness zones. Virginia a half-zone warmer.
FROM University of Mary Washington 04/18/24 / Breaking News / Education / Federal Government /
The University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg has extended the enrollment deadline for admitted first-year undergraduate students to June 1, 2024. This allows an additional month for students and families to review financial aid.
FROM the Governor's Office 04/17/24 / Breaking News / Money & Taxes / State Government /
Gov. Youngkin intends to call General Assembly into session May 15 - for final vote after budget disagreements are resolved.
FROM the Office of Gov. Glenn Youngkin 04/15/24 / Breaking News / Education / People & Places / State Government /
Gov. Glenn Youngkin has ordered the flags of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Virginia be flown at half-staff April 16 in memory and respect for the 17th Anniversary of the Virginia Tech shooting which took the lives of 32 people.
FROM Virginia Department of Education 04/12/24 / Breaking News / Education / Money & Taxes / People & Places / State Government /
“Mrs. Yamamoto challenges every one of her students to not just learn the rigorous math concepts in her classroom, but she also makes the math relevant and applies every lesson to real life,” said Superintendent of Public Instruction Lisa Coons. She strived to make math come alive for students and share how it applies to real-life situations. She was also determined to show students that math is not scary and help them believe that they are “math people.”