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If snow on roads, no PWC trash/recycling on Saturday, Jan. 11 at Nokesville & Evergreen

Saturday Jan. 11 snow may force cancellation of rural trash & recycling pickup.

PWC Police Beat 5/26/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 26, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 5/24/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 24, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 5/23/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 23, 2011.

Covington donates $5,000 to Parkside Middle School

Brentsville Supervisor Wally Covington donated $5,000
Bull Run photo
to Parkside Middle School as matching funds for the school's single-event fall fundraiser. The money will go to technology upgrades at the Manassas school in Prince William County. Covington made good on his promise at the opening night of the Manassas school's "Beauty and the Beast" presentation in early May. Covington is shown here reading to school children at another area Prince William County school, Pace West, earlier this school year.

Farmers markets now open or opening soon

Bull Run photoFarmers markets are open now, and others are opening soon, to provide locals with homegrown tomatoes, berries, corn and other produce. Some markets even have local vendors who sell their crafts and wares. Read all the details about local farmers' markets in the May 13 Manassas Observer. And, check out the list of area markets and when they're open.

Fatal May 3 crash in Nokesville

May 3 fatal crash in Nokesville

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