FROM Prince William County Police Department Reports 11/28/17 / Health & Safety / Manassas / Police & Fire Beat / Transportation / Woodbridge /
Prince William County Police Department's arrest log for Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017.
FROM Manassas City Public Schools Reports 11/27/17 / Breaking News / Education / Manassas /
The School Board of the City of Manassas announced Nov. 27 that it will begin the process of hiring a new superintendent by seeking public input on qualifications. The search follows the announcement of the retirement of current Superintendent, Catherine Magouyrk, effective June 30, 2018.
11/21/17 / Local Government / Manassas / Real Estate /
The rezoning of the Kline Property is on "indefinite hold" and is currently not scheduled to come before the Board of County Supervisors, according to Corey Stewart, board chairman.
Manassas Battlefield Trust is pleased to present, with Manassas National Battlefield Park, "Christmas 1862" at the historic Stone House. Celebrate Victorian Christmas traditions with caroling, crafts, cider, cookies, and more.
FROM Prince William County Schools Reports 11/18/17 / Education / Manassas / People & Places /
Dara Harris Dugger, current director of school counseling at Stonewall Jackson High School, has been appointed director of Prince William County Schools' Office of Student Management and Alternative Programs.
11/18/17 / Environment / Health & Safety / Local Government / Manassas /
Prince William County Landfill and Balls Ford Road Yard Waste Compost Facility will be closed Thursday, Nov. 23 in observance of Thanksgiving Day, according to a news release from the county's Solid Waste Division.
11/17/17 / Business / Manassas / Money & Taxes /
On Nov. 16, the co-founders of KO Distilling in Manassas rang a merchant ship’s bell celebrating the completion of a $900,000 expansion which has more than tripled their production capacity and will create more jobs.
11/15/17 / Health & Safety / Local Government / Manassas / Police & Fire Beat /
Committee of 100 of Prince William County will present a Nov. 30 forum starting at 7:45 p.m. in Manassas on "Gangs in Prince William County: Are We On The Right Track?"