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PWC Police charge Manassas Park man, 20, with homicide in Manassas

PWC Police make arrest in connection with Jan. 9. 2025 shooting.

Supt. Walts to present PWC school budget Feb. 7; public comments on budget to be taken Feb. 12

Prince William County Public Schools Superintendent Steven L. Walts will present the proposed Fiscal Year 2019 Capital Improvements Program/Budget (CIP/Budget) to the School Board at the Board’s regular meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 7. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

Experience history! Spend the night of Feb. 23 at Ben Lomond historic site’s slave quarters

On Feb. 23, visitors can actually spend the night in the slave quarters on site. Historians and interpreters will be there to help people learn about the life of those who were living and working at Ben Lomond.

Frederick Douglass has ties to Prince William; learn how on Feb. 10 at Lucasville School

In 1894, Frederick Douglass gave a speech in the area. Those who go to the Lucasville School near the fairgrounds in Manasas on Feb. 10 will have the opportunity to hear that speech and learn more about the life of Douglass.

Suspect pulls weapon on Woodbridge man walking his dog; victim’s cell phone taken

Prince William County Police Department's crime log for Friday, Feb. 2, 2018.

Woodbridge and Stonewall students get leadership lessons from local fast food eateries

Students at Stonewall Jackson High School and Woodbridge High School are participating this year for the first time in a Chick-fil-A Leader Academy. The national high school leadership program engages students with an online Leader Lab exploring leadership themes such as visions and values, servant leadership, teamwork, innovation, communication and impact.

We all have a story to tell: Stonewall Jackson students first in area to join Origin Project

Everyone has a story to tell – the story of who they are and where they come from. The “Origin Project” historically tells student stories of the Appalachian Region of Southwestern Virginia. For the first time ever, this project has expanded outside of Appalachia, to include a group of students at Stonewall Jackson High School (SJHS).

County police investigating a whole lot of shooting going on

Prince William County Police Department's crime log for Monday, Jan. 28, 2018.

Man in white van attempts to pick up juvenile at Manassas bus stop, city police report

Manassas City Police Department crime report for January 23, 2018

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