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Manassas Police & Fire Beat

Three more people arrested in Nov. 23, 2024 fatal shooting on Stream Walk Lane in Manassas

Prince William County Police report they have now arrested a total of four people in connection with the Nov. 23, 2024 murder of Horace Ray Johnson, 45, on property located at 8000 Stream Walk Lane in Manassas.

Stonewall Middle remembers Civil War in song

Bull Run photo
Stonewall Middle School's Susan Dommer, Stonewall Middle School chorus teacher, has worked with her students to create a concert featuring songs from the Civil War. Her accompanist, Sarah Fairchild, researched the era and created new versions of the songs that commemorate the Civil War. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the start of that war.

PWC Police Beat 6/1/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for June 1, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 5/26/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 26, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 5/25/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 25, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 5/24/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 24, 2011.

May 20 was national Bike To Work Day

National Bike To Work Day was put to work around Prince William County.

PWC Police Beat 5/23/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 23, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 5/19/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 19, 2011.

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