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Haymarket Health & Safety Nokesville

If snow on roads, no PWC trash/recycling on Saturday, Jan. 11 at Nokesville & Evergreen

Saturday Jan. 11 snow may force cancellation of rural trash & recycling pickup.

PWC Police Beat 8/15/11

Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Aug. 15, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 8/15/11

Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for Aug. 15, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 7/21/11

Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for July 21, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 7/18/11

Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for July 18, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 6/16/11

Prince William County Police Department’s crime report for June 16, 2011.

Stirrup strives to cross the finish line

Bull Run photo
Gainesville Supervisor John Stirrup runs a good race. He's a runner and plans to run again for office-perhaps state senate. He runs his life striving for balance. He's a husband, father, church member, farm owner, sportsman and businessman. He's served as supervisor of the Gainesville Magisterial District since he was first elected in 2003. Read the full story in the May 20, 2011 print edition of the Bull Run Observer.

PWCS and police to hold May 25 teen driver education program

Prince William police and schools are teaming up to offer a safe teen driving presentation on May 25 at Battlefield High School.

Farmers markets now open or opening soon

Bull Run photoFarmers markets are open now, and others are opening soon, to provide locals with homegrown tomatoes, berries, corn and other produce. Some markets even have local vendors who sell their crafts and wares. Read all the details about local farmers' markets in the May 13 Manassas Observer. And, check out the list of area markets and when they're open.

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