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Winners announced for the 70th Greater Manassas Christmas Parade

Winners of 70th Annual Greater Manassas Christmas Parade 2015

Sponsor/Commercial Float
1. Osbourn High School Interact Club - Bull Run Rotary Club
2. Mayfield Intermediate School - Bull Run Kiwanis
3. All Saints Catholic School - E. E. Wine

Business Float
1. Manassas Firehouse Subs
2. Northside Auto Sales
3. Okra’s

Clubs/Organizations Float
1. Manassas Rotary Club
2. D.C. Metro MINIS
3. ParrotHeads of the Old Dominion

Youth Float
1. Cub Scout Pack 1355
2. First Baptist Church Youth Ministry
3. West Gate Elementary School

Church Float
1. Manassas Church of the Nazarene
2. Tabernacle Baptist Church
3. Crossway Fellowship Church

Cheerleading Group
1.  Manassas Park High School Cheerleaders

Majorette Group
1. Seton School

1. Patriot High School Marching Band
2. Manassas Park High School Marching Cougars Band
3. Stonewall Jackson High School Marching Band
Honorable Mention - George Mason University Green Machine Drum Line

Dance Group
1. Showcase Dance Studio
2. Spotlight Dance Company
3. Stage Door Dance Studio

1. Manassas Therapy Dogs, Inc.
2. Lucky Dog Grooming
3. Nokesville Horse Society

Theatre Group
1. Manassas Ballet Theatre
2. Center For the Arts - Pied Piper Theatre
3. Woodbridge Senior High School Theatre

Vehicle Group
1. Northern Virginia Jeepers Association
2. Bull Run Street Rods, Inc.
3. Manassas (HOG) Harley Owner’s Group

Marching Units
1. Stonewall Jackson High School Air Force ROTC
2. Greater Manassas Baseball League
3. Girl Scouts Service Unit 90-5

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