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Va. State Police roads update: Strong winds, snow drifts make driving dangerous

Virginia State Police remind residents to avoid traveling on Virginia’s roads and highways today, Jan. 23. Winds have now picked up causing snow to drift and pile up across interstates and primary routes, which make driving even more dangerous, a news release said.

State police ask Virginians to remain patient one more day until the storm has moved out and roads are cleared…and safe for travel.

From midnight Saturday (Jan. 23) through 6 a.m. Saturday (Jan. 23), Virginia State Police have responded to 145 traffic crashes and 229 disabled vehicles statewide. The majority of those crashes and disabled vehicles occurred in Northern Virginia (62 crashes/71 disabled vehicles).

On Friday, Virginia State Police responded to a total 1,032 traffic crashes and another 879 disabled vehicles across the Commonwealth. From midnight to 10 p.m. Friday (Jan. 22), Virginia State Police responded to 989 traffic crashes and another 793 disabled vehicles across the Commonwealth. State police dispatch centers fielded a total of 3,471 total calls for service during that same time period.

Trooper M.D. Jester is currently being treated at VCU Medical Center in Richmond for minor injuries after his vehicle was struck on Interstate 64 at the 212 mile marker in New Kent County. The trooper was stopped out with a disabled vehicle in the westbound lanes when another vehicle ran into the back of the patrol car. The patrol car’s lights were activated at the time of the crash, which occurred at 7:36 p.m. Friday.

Hampton Roads region experienced the most traffic crashes Friday with state troopers responding to 339 crashes in the Chesapeake Division. There was one confirmed fatal crash that occurred Friday afternoon in the City of Chesapeake, and remains the only reported storm-related traffic death at this time.

The Metro-Richmond and Northern Virginia regions had the most disabled, stuck vehicles. State Police Richmond Division responded to 298 disabled vehicles; VSP Fairfax Division responded to 181 disabled vehicles.

As of 7 a.m., Saturday (Jan. 23), Virginia State Police are on the scene of 17 crashes and 25 disabled vehicles.

For road conditions, please call 511 or go to and not 911 or #77.

If you do have to travel today…please take the following safety precautions:
• Clear off all snow from your vehicle – windows, roof, trunk and lights        
• Add extra time to reach travel destination
• Slow speed for road conditions
• Increase driving distances between vehicles for increased stopping distance
• Buckle up and don’t drive distracted
• MOVE OVER for all stopped emergency vehicles, highway vehicles and two trucks.

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