Puzzled over what to do for your special person on Valentines Day? Want the day to be remembered a lifetime?
The Bull Run Troubadours (BRT) may have the answer for you.
Continuing a highly popular tradition, BRT Barbershop Quartets will again deliver surprise Singing Valentines throughout the Prince William County area in response to orders from spouses, sweethearts, admirers or friends who want a special and unusual touch for the occasion.
The quartets will arrive unannounced at the office, home, or other requested location and sing two popular sweetheart songs in the barbershop style and present a Valentine Card, a silk rose and a keepsake picture of the event to the recipient(s). The package is $60, a portion of which is donated to the Prince William County charities ACTS and SERVE.
Traditionally, the program is fully subscribed so the Bull Run Troubadours strongly recommend booking by Feb. 12. For questions contact coordinator Dan Sobrio at (703) 361-2690, or e-mail at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
The Troubadors will deliver singing valentines on Wednesday, Feb. 14, or another date–subject to scheduling considerations. Information is also available on the BRT Website, http://www.brtva.org BRT .is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization and the officially chartered chorus of the National Barbershop Harmony Society in Prince William County. It has been providing barbershop harmony programs in this area for more than 50 years.
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