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Sharpen emergency skills with Disaster Jeopardy

Organizations and groups that want to sharpen emergency readiness skills, are invited contact Bonnie Nahas or Shelley Tibbs at Volunteer Prince William to schedule a Disaster Jeopardy presentation.

Now in its fifth year, Disaster Jeopardy was implemented in conjunction with the Prince William Office of Emergency Management. The agency developed a “Jeopardy” game based on personal preparedness materials covered in A Family Guide to First Aid and Emergency Preparedness, an American Red Cross CD. The game has been a big hit with students, teachers and county agencies, and other localities are borrowing the concept, Nahas said.

“I think people learn more easily when they are also having fun,” said Tibbs, Volunteer Prince William’s information and referral expert.

For more information, contact Bonnie Nahas at 703-369-5292 or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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