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SERVE needs food donations

The Securing Emergency Resources through Volunteer Efforts (SERVE) Inc. campus of Northern Virginia Family Services offers help in many ways including food distribution to families in need, a 60-bed shelter, Head Start program and home-based Head Start, a program for healthy families, along with many other programs to help families in need.
Karen Horowitz, director of development, said summer’s a hard time. Donations tend to increase during the holidays, but summer giving often drops off while the need increases.
Every month, SERVE’s food distribution center helps more than 900 families. The pantry typically needs pasta and pasta sauces as well as canned fruits, vegetables and meats. Toiletry items are also needed in the food distribution center.
Since many families receive free or reduced lunches for their children through their schools, SERVE puts together a “school’s out family package.” Those packages include macaroni and cheese and other single-serving packages. Cereal is also very much in need.
Of course, fresh or frozen produce is great too. Locals with gardens overflowing can drop off some of the harvest.
SERVE volunteers, shown here, help dole out the goods to families in need.
Read the full story in an upcoming issue of the Bull Run Observer.

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