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Sentara employees to receive gift of appreciation for contributions and continued dedication in 2021

98.5% of Sentara employees are eligible

Sentara Healthcare is showing its deep appreciation for employees’ continued dedication to quality care over the last year with a gift of appreciation of up to $2,000.

Sentara Healthcare President and CEO Howard P. Kern sent a message to employees on Monday, Oct. 4, 2021 praising the Sentara team for their continued dedication to the organization, the community and one another. In his email, Kern acknowledged the significant challenges the Sentara team has faced over the last year.

“Some of these challenges were reminiscent of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. New challenges presented us with the management of vaccinations, the Delta variant of the virus and a resurgence of patient activity in our care facilities reacting to the limited services available in 2020,” Kern said.

He added that these newer challenges “required creative solutions for rapidly filling positions and managing extremely high volumes in most of our hospitals and ambulatory sites of care.”

In recognition of their significant contributions, eligible caregivers and patient-facing support staff working in our hospitals, medical group offices, ambulatory clinics, home health, medical transport, and PACE clinics will receive $2,000. All other eligible team members will receive $1,000.

Approximately 98.5% of Sentara employees will receive a gift of appreciation. Eligible employees are those who:

Are a physician or team member up to and including the Director level; Vice Presidents and above are not eligible
Are full-time, part-time, or flexi pool employees who are not on a temporary internal or external traveler assignment
Were or are hired on or before November 20, 2021 and are still employed by Sentara on December 9, 2021
Have worked any hours in the six months prior to December 9, 2021

“The tenacity and resiliency of the Sentara team has truly been inspirational to me as the rock- steady foundation on which our communities have come to rely, especially as we all hope to emerge from this pandemic. Each of you embodies the mission of improving health every day,” Kern said in his email.

Sentara previously announced a separate gift of appreciation on March 17, 2021, which marked the one-year anniversary of Sentara Healthcare’s first COVID-19 patient.

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