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Schools recognized for exemplary counseling programs

Counselors at Sinclair and T. Clay Wood Elementary, and those at Battlefield, Gar-Field, and Patriot High Schools are a devoted group that gives its best effort every day to ensure students have the most supportive environment in which to learn.

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) has awarded these stellar programs the designation of Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP), indicating that the schools have comprehensive developmental school counseling programs.

These five new designations mean 27 PWCS schools now have the RAMP designation for counseling programs that align with the criteria set in the ASCA National Model.

This includes Bristow Run and Coles Elementary Schools and Forest Park High School, which have been redesignated as RAMP schools. More than 600 schools across the country have received the RAMP designation.

School counselors in PWCS work as a team with the school staff, parents, and the community to create a caring climate and atmosphere. By providing education, prevention, early identification, and intervention, school counselors play a pivotal role in helping all children achieve academic success.

“We are proud of these schools for going above and beyond to ensure that a comprehensive school counseling program is delivered to PWCS students. Each day school counselors across our Division work tirelessly to support students with their academic, career, and personal/social growth. To that end, these schools have illustrated their commitment to students and their families,” said Rebekah Schlatter, PWCS supervisor of Secondary Counseling and Student Support Services.

For more information on the program, visit

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