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School visit turns into trip to Gar-Field police station and arrest

Assault & Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer [LEO] – On September 26 at 4:12PM, Prince William County police officers responded to Henderson Elementary School located at 3799 Waterway Dr in Dumfries (22025) to investigate a suspicious person.

Upon arrival, the police officers made contact with a woman, later identified as the accused, who was allegedly at the school to pick up her child, according to Sgt. Jonathan Perok, police department spokesman. The accused made concerning statements to the police officers and was subsequently detained, Perok said. While being escorted to a police cruiser, she kicked an officer in the leg, the spokesman added.

The accused was transported to the Gar-Field station where, according to the police report, she proceeded to hit an additional officer and again kicked and attempted to spit towards the initial arresting officer.

During a search of a purse belonging to the accused, the police report said that controlled substances were located in addition to a white powdery substance. No injuries were reported. Following the investigation, the accused, identified as Jessica Colleen SCUDERI, was arrested.

Arrested on September 26: [No Photo Available]
Jessica Colleen SCUDERI, 30, of 15316 Edgehill Dr in Dumfries
Charged with 4 counts of assault & battery on a LEO, 2 counts of possession of a scheduled I or II narcotic, and 1 count of possession of a scheduled IV narcotic
Court Date: November 14, 2018 | Bond: Unavailable

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