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Residents invited to reveal why they love PWC Parks & Rec during July

Prince William County is celebrating Park and Recreation Month during July with special activities throughout the park system, family-fun theme nights at the waterparks and the department’s Facebook Photo Contest.

The 2013 theme of “I [heart] my PWC Parks & Rec” encourages individuals, families, friends, and park-lovers everywhere to venture to local parks and recreation areas to experience the many benefits they offer, such as programs to inspire healthy, active lifestyles and activities to appreciate nature and the environment.

Paramount to this year’s theme is the fill-in-the-blank social media poster that Prince William County residents and others can use to say why they love their local parks and recreation.

During each week of July, there is a different theme that people can follow to snap pictures in their local parks and recreation. Submit photos that show the love for local parks and recreation through the Parks & Rec Facebook page, to be entered into the contest.

PWC’s Department of Parks & Rec is awarding weekly prizes and a grand prize at the end of the month. The social media posters can be picked up at all county recreation centers, pools and waterparks.

To learn how to show the love during Park and Recreation Month, visit and find the department on Facebook at!/PWCParks

The National Recreation and Park Association is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing park, recreation and conservation efforts that enhance quality of life for all people. Through its network of 30,000 recreation and park professionals and citizens, NRPA encourages the promotion of healthy lifestyles, recreation initiatives, and conservation of natural and cultural resources. For more information, visit For d.igital access to NRPA’s flagship publication, Parks & Recreation, visit

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