Prince William County is currently in the process of developing the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. To get residents’ ideas, the county’s Planning Office will host two more community meetings. On was held Oct. 30 at the county complex.
The Comprehensive Plan is a document that presents the Community’s vision for the future. Comprehensive plans consist of goals, strategies, and land use guidance policies intended to implement the vision. The guidance from the Comprehensive Plan is used to shape what the county will look like in the future in regards to land use, infrastructure, and services.
Prince William County Assistant Planning Director Steve Donohoe said the public’s comments will guide the comprehensive plan. “It is the community’s Comprehensive Plan. We want to get as much feedback from the community as possible because citizen involvement is critical in all planning efforts.”
The first of the meetings was on Tuesday, Oct. 30, at the Development Services Building at 5 County Complex Court in Woodbridge.
The second meeting will be from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13, at George Mason University Science and Technology Campus’ Beacon Hall, which is located at 10945 George Mason Circle in Manassas.
The final meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 6-8 p.m. at the Northern Virginia Community College Regional Center for Workforce Education and Training at 2675 College Drive in Woodbridge.
The informational, “open-house-style” meetings will have stations where people can talk with county staff about the future of Prince William County, said Long-Range Planning Manager David McGettigan. “The focus of these meetings is to listen to the community. We’re focused on hearing from people. It’s a chance for them to come out and engage with staff at a number of topic stations including; Land Use, Transportation, and Schools, just to name a few.
Donohoe said citizens will be encouraged to share ideas at the meetings simply by talking to county representatives, leaving notes, or using the Guidebook app that will be provided at the meetings. “We’re going to have greeters at the registration table and participants be instructed as to how to go about using the app.”
Donohoe said citizen involvement is critical since the comprehensive plan touches on every aspect of the county. “It’s not limited to one portion of the community. We look forward to this opportunity to hear from the community.”
For more information about the Comprehensive Plan, visit
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