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Register to vote by political party?

Prince William Del. Richard L. Anderson (R-51) says he will file a bill which would establish voter registration in Virginia by political party affiliation.

His action came in light of concerns over a Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) proposal that that all voters seeking to participate in the March GOP Presidential Primary in Virginia would be required to sign a loyalty oath in order to cast a vote.

Anderson said, “While I fully respect that the Republican Party of Virginia and the Democratic Party of Virginia are empowered to proscribe loyalty oaths, I believe that this provision cannot be enforced and that it has the unintended potential for chilling Republican participation in the March presidential primary.”

RPV’s chairman has called a special Jan. 21 meeting of the State Central Committee to reconsider this loyalty oath requirement. Anderson said he hopes that “State Central will rescind the requirement and return to the process followed in previous election cycles.”

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