Prince William County Schools are running out of snow days, and the School Board will consider a plan about what to do as recommended by Superintendent Steven Walts at the board’s Feb. 19 meeting.
As a result of the recent school closures and delays, Dr. Walts is recommending to the School Board:
That action be taken at the February 19 Board meeting for PWCS to take the originally scheduled teacher workday on Monday, March 31 and make that a full day of student instruction at all levels.
If additional make-up time is needed, the Superintendent’s Staff will make further recommendations to the School Board.
Should that be the case, Dr. Walts suggests the School Board consider utilizing part or all of the afternoon of the last day of school, Tuesday, June 17.
If and only if additional time is required, the administration will consider adjusting minutes in the instructional day and/or adding instructional days at the end of the year.
Another possibility would be changing Monday, April 21 from a Spring Break Day to another full day of student instruction.
In the event that this is necessary, and scheduled Spring Break plans cannot be changed, staff would be provided with guidelines for leave options and students would receive an excused absence with their parents’ or guardians’ approval.
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