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PWC Police Beat 9/24/13


Residential Burglary – On September 23rd at 11:42PM, police responded to a residence located in the 13800 block of Breezy Ridge Way in Woodbridge (22191) for a burglary. The homeowner reported to police that the burglary occurred between 6:00AM and 7:59PM. Entry was made into the home through the front door which had been forced open. Multiple firearms with related equipment and jewelry, total value around $18,000, were reported missing. 

Residential Burglary – On September 23rd at 11:30PM, police responded to a residence located in the 9600 block of Norfolk St in Manassas (20109) for a burglary. The homeowner reported to police that the burglary occurred between 9:30AM and 6:30PM. There were no signs of forced entry into the home. Entry is believed to have been made through an unsecured window. Jewelry, valued around $2,300, was reported missing.


Felony Child Abuse – On September 20th at 9:22PM, police responded to the area of Ashton Ave and Bannerwood Dr in Manassas (20109) for a found child. Caller reported to police that they had located a 7 year old boy walking in the neighborhood unsupervised. Officers arrived and attempted to locate the child’s parents. The boy’s clothing was wet but he otherwise appeared uninjured. The mother of the child, later identified as the accused, was eventually located shortly before midnight. Upon further investigation, detectives from the Special Victims Bureau determined that the home where the child lives did not have running water or electricity. Following the investigation, the accused was arrested. The child was released to the custody of family members.
Arrested on September 20th: [No photo available]
Alisha Michelle GRIFFIN, 29, of the 8800 block of Oak Hollow Ct
Charged with felony child abuse
Court date: unavailable | Bond: $10,000 secured

Strangulation | Residential Burglary – On September 23rd at 7:24PM, police responded to a residence located in the 12800 block of Island House Lp in Woodbridge (22193) to investigate a domestic incident which occurred earlier in the day. The victim, a 21 year old woman of Woodbridge, reported to police that the accused, a known acquaintance, broke out a window to her home while he was in her bedroom. This encounter stemmed from a previous verbal altercation the two parties had the day prior. The victim went outside to discuss the matter and, after a short discussion, returned to her home. At that point, the accused entered the home through an unlocked door where he then began to assault and choke the victim. During the assault, an interior wall in the home was damaged. The victim sustained minor injuries. The accused left the residence later in the day. Following the investigation, officers obtained warrants against the accused. The accused turned himself into police on September 24th without incident.
Arrested on September 24th:
Jordan Nathaniel SANTANDER, 23, of 1881 Beegee Ct in Woodbridge
Charged with burglary with intent to commit assault & battery, strangulation, domestic assault & battery, and destruction of property
Court date: unavailable | Bond: unavailable

Abduction | Domestic Assault & Battery – On September 24th at 12:45AM, police responded to a residence in the 2500 block of Fox Ridge Ct in Woodbridge (22192) to investigate a domestic incident. The victim, a 20 year old woman of Woodbridge, reported to police that she and the accused, a known acquaintance, were involved in a verbal altercation which escalated. During the encounter, the accused displayed knife and held it against various parts of the victim’s body. The accused then assaulted the victim while threatening her. The victim was eventually able to get away and go to a neighbor’s house where police where contacted. Minor injuries were reported. Following the investigation, the accused was arrested without further incident.
Arrested on September 24th:
Jose V RIVERA DE LA CRUZ, 34, of the 2500 block of Fox Ridge Ct in Woodbridge
Charged with abduction and domestic assault & battery
Court date: unavailable | Bond: held WITHOUT bond

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