Incident Reports
Aggravated Malicious Wounding
On Nov. 12 at 2:19 a.m., police responded to investigate a shooting that was reported to have occurred at the Inns of Virginia at 951 Annapolis Way in Woodbridge. The male victim, 40 of Woodbridge, reported to police that he was sitting in his vehicle with the door opened in the parking lot of the motel when an unknown man approached him and shot him. The victim sustained two gunshots to the upper body and was transported to an area hospital. The injuries do not appear to be life threatening. The victim was unable to provide police with a description of the shooter. This incident is not a random act. The investigation continues.
Armed Robbery
On Nov. 12 at 5:50 p.m., police responded to the 13200 block of Occoquan Road in Woodbridge for a robbery. The female victim, 33 of Woodbridge, reported to police she was in the above area when she was approached by an unknown man who displayed a knife and demanded money. The man took an undisclosed amount of U.S. currency before leaving the area. No injuries were reported. Lookout: White male, between 20 & 25, 5’08” 140 lbs., thin build. Last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and light blue jeans.
Armed Robbery
On Nov. 12 at 3:43 a.m., police responded to the 7-11 located at 14797 Darbydale Ave. in Woodbridge for a robbery. The clerk reported to police that an unknown man entered the store and brandished a handgun. The man took an undisclosed amount of U.S. currency from the register before fleeing out of the store on foot. No injuries were reported. Lookout: Black male, unknown age, 5’06”, thin build Last seen wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt and ski mask.
Strong Armed Robbery
On Nov. 12 at 4:04 p.m., police responded to the 13900 block of Jefferson Davis Highway in Woodbridge for a robbery. The female victim, 50 of Woodbridge, reported to police she was exiting the Big Lots in the above area when she was approached by an unknown man. The man wrestled the victim’s cell phone, valued around $600, from her hands and fled across the street. No injuries were reported. Lookout: Black male, between 14 & 17, 5’06” 120 lbs., thin build. Last seen wearing a black hat, dark-colored jacket, green sweatpants and carrying a black book bag.
On Nov. 10 at 12:12 p.m., police responded to investigate a rape that was reported to have occurred in the 12200 block of Hooe Rd in Bristow. The female victim, 19 of Bristow, reported to police that the accused, a known acquaintance, was over at her residence in the above area. At one point, the victim was pushed into the vehicle of the accused where she was sexually assaulted. The accused was located at his residence in Fairfax and arrested Nov. 11 without incident. Arrested: Bohangerges Rivas Chavez, 46, of 6021 Vista Dr #101 in Fairfax.Charged with rape and object sexual penetration. Court date unavailable, held without bond.
Assault and Battery on Law Enforcement Officer
On Nov. 13 at 9:57 a.m., police responded to the 1300 block of Eisenhower Circle in Woodbridge for a domestic call. As officers were attempting to detain the accused, she became aggressive and kicked two officers. Minor injuries were reported. The accused was being arrested for domestic assault on a 42-year-old woman who resided at the residence. Arrested: Flossie Duku, 28, of 1276 Castle Ct. in Woodbridge. Charged with two counts of assault & battery on a law enforcement officer, domestic assault & battery and obstruction of justice. Court date unavailable, held without bond.
Malicious Wounding
On Nov. 12 at 3:11 a.m., police responded to the 13600 block of Kingsman Road in Dale City for an assault. The female victim, 36 of Woodbridge, reported to police that she and the accused, a known acquaintance, were involved in a verbal altercation that escalated. During the encounter, the accused allegedly threw a flower vase at the victim, striking her in the face. The victim was transported to an area hospital with minor injuries. The accused was arrested without further incident. Arrested: Marlissa Ann Nichols, 41, of 13644 Kingsman Road in Woodbridge. Charged with malicious wounding. Court date unavailable, held on a $2,000 secured bond.
On Nov. 12 at 8:07 p.m., police responded to the 12700 block of Hunterbrook Dr. in Woodbridge for a brandishing. The female victims, 58 of Arlington and 46 of McLean, reported to police they had arrived at the residence of the accused to speak to a family member who was supposedly at the residence. A verbal altercation ensued between the victims and the household residences. At one point, the accused pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the victims threatening them. The accused was arrested without further incident. No injuries were reported. The handgun was later determined to be a BB gun. Arrested: Riaz Ahmad Noory, 20, of 12787 Hunterbrook Dr. in Woodbridge. Charged with brandishing. Court date unavailable, held on a $2,000 secured bond.
On Nov. 12 at 5:37 p.m., police responded to the 15100 block of Colder Lane in Dale City for a burglary. Police had been checking vacant residences in the Dale City area due to an increase in copper theft burglaries when they observed forced entry into a residence in the above area. Entry appeared to have been made through a rear window that had been forced opened. No items were observed to be missing.
On Nov. 12 at 3:54 p.m., police responded to the 15100 block of Cloverdale Road in Dale City for a burglary to a vacant residence. Property manager reported to police the burglary occurred between 10 a.m. Nov. 8 and 3:50 p.m. Nov. 12. Entry appeared to have been made through a side window that had been broken out. Copper piping valued around $150 was reported missing.
On Nov. 11 at 8 p.m., police responded to the 16600 block of Georgetown Road in Woodbridge for a burglary. Homeowner reported to police that the burglary occurred between 8 a.m. Nov. 10 and 8 p.m. Nov. 11. Entry appeared to have been made through a rear door that had been forced opened. A jacket and pair of shoes valued around $90 were reported missing.
Burglary to a Business
On Nov. 11 at 9:45 a.m., police responded to the Planet Fitness at 14431 Jefferson Davis Highway in Woodbridge for a burglary. Employees reported to police they had arrived at the business, which is under construction, around 5:30 a.m. Upon entering the business, they observed two unknown men. The men took off on foot upon being discovered. Tools and other equipment valued around $1,500 were reported missing or damaged. Lookout: Two black males, both reported to be between 25 & 30, around 5’10” 250 lbs., heavy build. Both were last seen wearing all dark colored clothing.
On Nov. 10 9:04 a.m., police responded to the 15000 block of Carlsbad Road in Woodbridge for a burglary to a vacant residence. Property owner reported to police the burglary occurred between 1 p.m. Nov. 8 and 3 p.m. Nov. 9. Entry appeared to have been made through a rear door that had been forced opened. Copper piping valued around $100 was reported missing.
On Nov. 10 at 8:22 a.m., police responded to the 4400 block of Bedford Cove Lane in Woodbridge for a burglary to a residence under construction. Crews reported to police the burglary occurred between 11 p.m. Nov. 9 and 8 a.m. Nov. 10. There were no signs of forced entry into the residence. Entry is believed to have been made through an unsecured door. Appliances, including a dishwasher, toilet and sink, valued around $1,000 were reported missing.
Attempted Burglary
On Nov. 12 at 5:30 p.m., police responded to the 15000 block of Sunny Ridge Ct. in Woodbridge for an attempted burglary. Homeowner reported to police that at around 3:45 p.m., she was asleep in her bedroom when she heard a noise coming from her front door. Upon investigating the noise, she observed the door shut as if someone had just walked out. No items were reported missing.
Larcenies from VehiclesOn Nov. 13 at 9:16 a.m., police responded to the 3500 block of Briarwood Dr. in Dumfries for a report of several larcenies from vehicles. The investigation revealed that sometime during the overnight hours, approximately five vehicles were entered and property was removed. All vehicles entered had been left unlocked or unsecured. Electronics valued around $1,800 were reported missing.
—from the Prince William County Police Department report.
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