Death Investigation “IDENTITY” - Police have identified the deceased man found on Feb. 15, 2012 at the Waste Management Facility in Manassas. The cause of death is still under investigation. Identified: Keith Allen COX, 51 - no fixed address
Death Investigation (Previously Released) - On Feb. 15, 2012 at 9:48 p.m., police responded to the Waste Management Facility located at 7911 Notes Drive in Manassas (20109) for a found body. Staff reported to police that in the course of processing trash, a deceased adult male body was located. The body was transported to the medical examiners office for an autopsy. At this time, no foul play is suspected. The body was since been identified as 51-year-old male, however, his name is being withheld until a next of kin is notified. Investigation continues.
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