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Public’s help asked in locating missing, endangered adult from Woodbridge VA

*MISSING ENDANGERED ADULT: The Prince William County VA Police Department is asking for the public’s help in locating a missing, endangered adult, Jamie Christopher Hanke.

The investigation revealed that Mr. Hanke left his residence located in the 4400 block of Torrence Place in Woodbridge VA (22193) at approximately 2:50PM on April 5th. Mr. Hanke may be in need of assistance which qualifies him as being endangered. Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to call police at 703-792-6500.

Jamie Christopher Hanke is described as a Hispanic male, 38 years of age, 5’10’’, and 205lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes. Mr. Hanke was last seen wearing gray pants and a gray sweatshirt with “White Sox” written on the front.

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