School Board Meeting February 15, 2017
The School Board Approved:
March as Brain Injury Awareness Month, Music in Our Schools Month, Purchasing Month, Theatre in Our Schools Month, and Youth Art Month;
February 23 as Digital Learning Day;
The proposed Licensed Practical Nursing Program tuition rates for FY 2018;
April 24–28 as National Playground Safety Week;
March 6–10 as Newspaper in Education Week;
School Board meeting minutes for February 1; and
The naming of the new school in Dumfries as the Covington-Harper Elementary School in honor of Mrs. Betty Covington and Mr. John Harper Jr.
Citizens’ Comment Time:
Citizens addressed the Board on the following topics:
HVAC in the Career and Technical Education program;
Innovation classes at the Governor’s School;
Site-based management;
Naming of the new elementary school;
Recess in schools;
American Disabilities Act; and
Mental illness.
Presentations and discussions on the following topics:
A presentation on the financial audit of the School Division’s FY 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
A review of steps being taken at Fred M. Lynn Middle School regarding the school’s corrective action plan. See PowerPoint.
The FY 2017 second quarter budget review.
Dr. Steven L. Walts, Superintendent of Schools, gave a report on progress in advancing several goals that the School Board established for him. See PowerPoint. He will continue to update the Board quarterly on the accomplishments of these goals. Dr. Walts ended the presentation with a video produced by Communications Services spotlighting the many successes with CTE.
Superintendent’s Time:
Dr. Steven L. Walts, Superintendent of Schools, made the following comments:
Congratulations to Ashley Dimino, a junior at Brentsville District High School, on creating the winning flag design for Youth Art Month. Her design will be transformed into a 3-foot by 5-foot flag that will be displayed at the National Art Education Association convention in New York City in March. It will also be displayed at the Virginia Art Education Association conference in Reston in November.
Nearly 50 works of art by students in 25 of our schools are on exhibit through March 31 in the Buchanan Partners Gallery at the Hylton Performing Arts Center. The exhibit is free and open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The School Division has received a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association for the 18th year in a row. This is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting and represents a significant achievement. Congratulations to Kathleen Addison, supervisor of Budget, and John Wallingford, director of Financial Services, in the department that is led by Associate Superintendent Dave Cline.
The School Board is seeking suggestions for the name of the new alternative education school, also known as the non-traditional school, under construction at the corner of Joplin and Aden Roads. Anyone who has a suggestion is invited to a community input session on Monday, February 27 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of Colgan High School. Details are on the School Division website.
The annual food show will be held on March 9 at Colgan High School, with two seatings – one at 6 p.m. and the second at 7 p.m.
Schools and employees are assisting with the annual spring food drive, because food is in short supply in many homes in Prince William County. Please consider buying an extra food item to help our local food pantries. Schools and administrative offices will have collection boxes on site until March 15 in the east and until March 16 in the west. Non-perishable items collected will go to ACTS and SERVE. Most items that are needed are cold cereal, canned meats, dry and canned beans, spaghetti sauce, soups, macaroni and cheese, and canned fruits and vegetables. We have students who come to school hungry. Thanks to everyone who is assisting with this important effort. Students learn and achieve better when they are not hungry.
Congratulations to Zuill Bailey Jr. This world-renowned cellist and Prince William County native won a Grammy for his solo performance with the Nashville Symphony. Zuill attended Vaughan Elementary School, Woodbridge Middle School, and Woodbridge High School, graduating in 1990. He is currently a Professor of Cello at the University of Texas at El Paso.
Congratulations to School Board Vice Chairman and Occoquan District member, Mrs. Lillie Jessie, who was recently honored by “The Afro American Newspapers” for her ongoing work and leadership on the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratorical Contest.
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