Most budget documents would not be described as easy reading material. But PWCS has met the challenge of making a school budget readable and understandable, so say examiners for the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International. For the 22nd consecutive year, ASBO has given its Meritorious Budget Award to Prince William County Public Schools for the 2016-17 school year budget document.
The award is given to recognize excellence in the preparation and presentation of the PWCS annual budget. PWCS is one of only 25 school districts in the nation and one of three in Virginia that have participated in the ASBO program for 15 years or more.
The award recognizes Kathleen Addison, supervisor of Budget, and her staff for their work on the School Division’s FY 2017 budget. John Wallingford is the director of Financial Services. David Cline is the associate superintendent for Finance and Support Services.
The Meritorious Budget Awards Program is a voluntary program designed by ASBO International and school business management professionals to recognize school business administrators who achieve a standard of excellence in budget preparation and presentation. The award is only conferred on school systems that meet or exceed the program’s 30 criteria.
The MBA Criteria Checklist provides a foundation for developing a reader-friendly budget document that:
Presents clear budget guidelines;
Promotes communication between departments and the community;
Encourages short- and long-range budget goals; and
Supports effective use of educational resources.
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