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Police experts will tell women’s group how to protect against sex crimes

On Thursday, April 26, at noon the businesswomen’s organization Soroptimist International of Manassas will host two law enforcement experts to talk about sex crimes. First Sergeant W. Burke of the Prince William Special Victims Unit and Richard Buchholz, MA, MPA Coordinator of the Gang Response Intervention Team, will speak on “How to Protect Women and Girls from Abduction.” The topic is being examined due to the heinous nature of the crimes and increased reports of such activity. The luncheon will be at the Old Town Sports Pub, 8971 Center St. Manassas, VA 20110. A fee of $15 for lunch and beverage will be collected at the door.  RSVP is appreciated at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). For more information contact Becky Goodman, President Elect, Soroptimist International of Manassas via email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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