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New lanes open to reduce congestion on US 50

The City of Fairfax announces the opening of a third westbound lane along US 50 (Fairfax Boulevard) from Bevan Drive to Jermantown Road.  The improvements include the widening of south bound Jermantown Road to allow for two through lanes adjacent to the left turn lane and additional intersection improvements.

This $6.5 million improvement project received $1 million from the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) as part of its FY2015-16 Program.

The Jermantown project will enhance operations on both US 50 and Jermantown Road by improving capacity for westbound traffic exiting the City and improving the Jermantown Road southbound intersection approach. 

With the addition of a new westbound lane on US 50 between Bevan Drive and Jermantown Road, PM peak period congestion on US 50 traffic will decrease.

The additional southbound right turn lane on Jermantown Road will decrease PM peak period traffic congestion for Jermantown Road commuters.  The geometric improvements on southbound Jermantown Road will improve mobility in the vicinity of the intersection with US 50.

This combination of improvements will allow for additional green-time at the intersection signal to be assigned to US 50, which enhances regional mobility and improves operations on the route.

R. Scott Silverthorne, Mayor of the City of Fairfax and Vice-Chairman of the NVTA, was quoted in a press release as saying, “It is important that as our city grows, we continue to improve our transportation system to increase access and reduce congestion for our citizens and visitors as they live and work in the City of Fairfax.  We appreciate the commitment and support of the NVTA as we increase mobility in our region.”

Prince William County Supervisor Martin E. Nohe, NVTA Chairman, was also quoted in the press release, as saying, “As part of the National Highway System, this segment of Route 50 is a critical component of the regional transportation network, serving as a link between the City of Fairfax, Fairfax County and I-66.  The NVTA is committed to improving transportation in Northern Virginia by funding regional projects that reduce the most congestion relative to cost.”

The NVTA is the premiere planning, prioritizing and funding transportation organization in Northern Virginia.  The Authority is responsible for the region’s long range transportation plan and works regionally to fund projects based on congestion reduction relative to cost.  To date, the Authority has funded 68 projects for a total of $535 million.

It has also distributed $233 million, as of March 2016, to member jurisdictions for local transportation projects of their choice, within the parameters set by HB 2313. 

The Authority is currently developing its FY2017 Program, with adoption anticipated in July 2016, and is in the process of updating the region’s long range transportation plan, TransAction.  The update to TransAction is a two-year process and adoption of the new plan is anticipated in fall 2017.

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